Employer Benefits Programs
Hipson Benefits partners in working with small to medium sized businesses to help design integrated, comprehensive strategies to tackle the ever changing world of employee benefit programs.
Our staff includes individuals with experience in Employee Benefit Program Design. We have developed a team that works seamlessly together and with vendors and third party administrators to help employers create and implement programs that meet cost goals without sacrificing benefits or value.
In addition to employer level strategies, Hipson Benefits also focuses on employee level support. The Hipson team develops and distributes customized employee communication pieces, offers employee seminars and open enrollment meetings as well as dedicated employee support, including a medical claims specialist.
Our strategy is to partner with employers to meet cost and compliance goals while providing employees with high level benefit programs and service excellence.
 401(k) and 403(b) plan design
 Compliance and Reform Advice and Strategies
 Employee Benefit Design and Management, including medical, dental and ancillary programs
 Disability Income Protection
 Life Insurance